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China-Tanzania Relations Flourish in Education Sector

Chinese Ambassador to Tanzania, Ms Chen Mingjian, highlighted the significant progress in bilateral relations between China and Tanzania, particularly in the field of education. 

Ms Chen made these remarks during an award ceremony to recognize students and teachers who excelled in Chinese language studies.

Ambassador Chen emphasized that this year marks the 59th anniversary of diplomatic ties between the two nations, celebrating the fruitful cooperation that has extended across various sectors. 

She pointed out China’s substantial support, including government scholarships, school building construction, textbook donations, provision of desks and chairs, capacity-building programs, and personnel training, all of which have played a pivotal role in advancing education in Tanzania.

Ms Chen stated that in a remarkable achievement this year, 46 students received the Chinese government scholarship, while 114 students secured the degree program scholarship from the Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China (PRC). 

These students, who are among Tanzania’s brightest teachers and learners, are fortunate recipients of this opportunity.

The Chinese Ambassador also highlighted the significant enhancement in China-Africa relations in recent years, driven by major multilateral cooperation projects such as the “Belt and Road” initiative and the “Forum on China-Africa Cooperation.”

In response, Mr. Peter Msoffe, Director of Higher Education at the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology, noted that the progress in educational collaboration symbolizes the deepening and strengthening of relations between Tanzania and China. 

He emphasized that the enduring and productive friendship shared between the two nations serves as a model for diplomatic relations.

Mr. Msoffe stated that in reflecting on these achievements, the enduring and productive all-weather friendship shared between Tanzania and China is a model for diplomatic relations. 

The synergy created through these exchanges goes beyond mere cooperation. It reflects a genuine partnership based on shared values, common goals, and a commitment to mutual development.

Joseph Isarel, a Chinese language teacher, highlighted the importance of teaching Chinese to children at a young age, noting its widespread use globally and its significance in international business dealings. 

He emphasized that learning the language provides students with linguistic proficiency and cultural insights, fostering a deeper understanding of global affairs and building diverse connections worldwide.

This story has been adopted from Daily News, Tanzania.

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