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Zambia Commits to Sustainable Development Goals in Second Voluntary National Review

Zambia launched its second Voluntary National Review (VNR) at the Mulungushi International Conference Centre in Lusaka. 

Ms. Prudence Kaoma, Acting Permanent Secretary (Planning & Administration) at the Ministry of Finance & National Planning, delivered a comprehensive speech outlining Zambia’s progress, challenges, and dedication to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Ms. Kaoma stated that the VNR report stands as a testament to Zambia’s commitment to a world free from poverty, hunger, inequality, and environmental degradation. 

She noted that the 2030 Agenda, adopted by United Nations Member States in 2015, serves as a global blueprint for collective action, urging nations to leave no one behind and ensure the equitable sharing of development benefits.

Zambia’s VNR assesses advancements in crucial areas such as education, healthcare, gender equality, economic growth, environmental sustainability, and partnerships. 

Ms. Kaoma also highlighted that the report not only outlines progress and successes but also addresses challenges, including the need for improved data collection for monitoring and reporting on key aspects such as poverty and inequality.

Ms. Kaoma emphasized Zambia’s commitment to inclusivity, equity, and sustainability, recognizing each challenge as an opportunity to redouble efforts for development progress. 

Throughout the VNR process, she mentioned that Zambia actively engaged stakeholders, including civil society organizations, academia, the private sector, and cooperating partners, to gain a broader perspective and a deeper understanding of the opportunities and challenges faced.

She further emphasized that Zambia’s dedication to the global agenda is evident in the considerable advancements made in health, education, gender equality, and environmental sustainability.

The nation has expanded access to quality healthcare, increased educational opportunities, and promoted gender equality through various initiatives and programs. 

Acknowledging that challenges persist, she said that Zambia remains committed to addressing issues and fostering sustainable development.

Ms. Prudence Kaoma emphasized that the journey towards sustainable development encapsulated in the SDGs is continuous and requires collective dedication, innovation, and resolve. 

She said that the government recognizes the significance of a collaborative approach involving all stakeholders – government, cooperating partners, civil society, the private sector, and communities – in the pursuit of sustainable development.

Ms. Kaoma expressed the government’s eagerness to learn from others, share experiences, and strengthen partnerships to achieve the global goals. 

She said that this launch of the second VNR marks another milestone in Zambia’s ongoing commitment to the SDGs, reflecting the nation’s determination to contribute to a world of shared prosperity, inclusivity, and sustainability.

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