Breaking NewsClimate Change/ESG

Government’s Commitment to Climate Resilience 

The Minister of Green Economy and Environment, Hon. Eng. Collins Nzovu MP, has reaffirmed the government’s unwavering commitment to mitigating the impact of extreme weather events on the population. 

Hon. Nzovu highlighted the importance of providing high-quality climate information to citizens during the National Stakeholders Consultative Workshop for the development of the National Framework for Weather, Water, and Climate Services.

He emphasized that the provision and utilization of climate services are crucial for sustainable socio-economic development, especially in the face of a changing climate. 

The government, under his leadership, has actively supported initiatives on the ground aimed at fostering climate change adaptation and reducing the risk of disasters and vulnerabilities.

Hon. Nzovu stated that the Government of the Republic of Zambia is now supporting the development of the national framework for weather, water, and climate services to serve as an institutional mechanism to coordinate, facilitate, and strengthen collaboration among national institutions,

The goal is to improve the co-production, tailoring, delivery, and use of science-based climate predictions services for decision-making in various climate-sensitive sectors such as agriculture, food security, water, energy, disaster risk reduction, health, and aviation.

The National Framework, according to Hon. Nzovu is designed to bring widespread social, economic, and environmental benefits by enhancing climate and disaster risk reduction and management. 

It will particularly support the implementation of climate change adaptation measures that currently lack adequate climate services.

Highlighting the framework’s alignment with global efforts, Hon. Nzovu explained that the National Framework for Weather, Water, and Climate Services supports the Paris Agreement, which aims to strengthen the global response to the threat of climate change by helping parties to the agreement prepare, maintain, and communicate their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).

The Minister clarified that the National Framework is based on the global framework for climate services endorsed by the World Meteorological Organization. 

Its purpose is to strengthen the production, availability, delivery, and application of science-based climate monitoring and prediction services. 

Hon. Nzovu emphasized that the framework aims to mainstream climate science into decision-making at all levels, ensuring that every country and every climate-sensitive sector is well-equipped to access and apply relevant climate information.

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