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Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry Launches Gift and Benefit Policy to Enhance Transparency and Integrity

In its unwavering commitment to enhancing transparency, accountability, and promoting integrity, the Ministry of Commerce, Trade, and Industry has launched the Gift and Benefit Policy. 

The launch event included a speech read on behalf of the Director-General of the Anti-Corruption Commission, Director – Corruption Prevention, Mrs. Glenda Mungalaba. 

Mrs. Mungalaba emphasized that the fight against corruption is a collective responsibility and extends beyond the Anti-Corruption Commission alone. It is the duty of every Zambian citizen to contribute to this effort. 

She highlighted the government’s commitment to mainstreaming corruption prevention programs in public institutions, which includes the establishment of Integrity Committees.

The Integrity Committee (IC) program is one of the strategies employed under the National Anti-Corruption Policy. It is specifically designed to prevent corruption and maladministration within both public and private institutions. 

By promoting ethical behavior and integrity, the government aims to create a more transparent and accountable environment.

Mr. John Mulongoti, the Permanent Secretary for Investment and Industrialization, commended the efforts of the Integrity Committee, which is led by Mrs. Nalituba Mwale, Director – Human Resource and Administration in the Ministry. 

He acknowledged that the development and launch of the Gift and Benefit Policy signify the Ministry’s dedication to the fight against corruption. 

This commitment aligns with the Anti-Corruption Act No. 3 of 2012, which advocates for the establishment of Integrity Committees in all public and private entities as a proactive measure against corruption.

Furthermore, Mr. Mulongoti encouraged all statutory bodies under the Ministry to follow suit by developing their respective Gifts and Benefits Policies. 

This coordinated approach will help ensure that ethical standards and anti-corruption measures are consistently upheld across all entities under the Ministry’s purview.

The launch event was a significant step towards promoting transparency, integrity, and ethical conduct within the Ministry of Commerce, Trade, and Industry. 

This initiative reinforces the government’s commitment to combating corruption and fostering a culture of accountability and integrity in both public and private sectors.

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