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Government Commends Social Protection Success Stories in Muchinga Province

The Zambian government has expressed its admiration for the remarkable success stories arising from beneficiaries of various social protection programs in Muchinga Province. 

These programs, implemented by the Ministry of Community Development and Social Services, have made a significant positive impact on the lives of those who have benefited from them.

The beneficiaries have provided testimonies affirming that initiatives such as the Social Cash Transfer (SCT), Supporting Women’s Livelihoods (SWL), Keeping Girls in School (KGS), and the Food Security Pack (FSP) have substantially transformed their lives. These social protection programs aim to enhance domestic food security sustainably.

During a monitoring visit to assess the effectiveness of these programs in Shiwangandu District, the Minister of Community Development and Social Services, Ms. Doreen Mwamba, conveyed the government’s deep appreciation for the dedication and commitment demonstrated by the beneficiaries in improving their livelihoods through these life-changing programs.

Ms. Mwamba emphasized the government’s unwavering commitment to eradicating poverty and vulnerability. As a demonstration of this commitment, the Social Cash Transfer Program will be expanded to include more than 1,374,000 households nationwide, with an estimated 100,000 households in Muchinga Province set to benefit from this initiative.

Additionally, the Minister announced the government’s intention to scale up the Food Security Pack (FSP) programs, including the Rainfed and Wetlands Cropping components and the Alternative Livelihood Intervention (ALI), to reach more districts.

Addressing the beneficiaries, Minister Mwamba encouraged them to use the resources judiciously and productively. 

This approach, she explained, would enable them to achieve self-sufficiency and contribute positively to the enhancement of their own livelihoods, ultimately contributing to the nation’s economic growth.

One of the Social Cash Transfer beneficiaries, Gertrude Mwila, shared her appreciation for the program’s positive impact. 

She noted that the program had not only improved her domestic food security but also enabled her to engage in other income-generating activities.

The success stories emerging from these social protection programs underscore their importance in improving the lives of the most vulnerable and disadvantaged communities, promoting self-sufficiency, and contributing to the nation’s overall welfare and development.

This story has been adopted from the Ministry of Community Development and Social Services.

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