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ZCSA Extends Support to the Elderly in Commemoration of Zambia’s 59th Independence Anniversary

The Zambia Compulsory Standards Agency (ZCSA) reached out to the elderly community at the Matero Aftercare Centre in Lusaka on the occasion of Zambia’s 59th Independence Anniversary. 

During the event, Mr. Gerald Chizinga, the Executive Director of ZCSA, delivered an inspiring speech emphasizing the importance of consumer safety, corporate social responsibility, and the significance of caring for the elderly.

Mr. Chizinga began his speech by underscoring the theme of this year’s independence celebration: “Accelerating National Development Through Equitable Distribution of Resources.” 

He stressed that ZCSA, a statutory body under the Ministry of Commerce, Trade, and Industry, is mandated to administer, maintain, and enforce compulsory standards for public safety, health, consumer protection, and environmental well-being.

The agency currently regulates 61 products, spanning a wide range, from food and beverages to chemicals, construction materials, and more. 

Mr. Chizinga noted that many of these regulated products are consumed by the elderly residents at the Matero Aftercare Centre, making them a vital part of the larger consumer community.

He emphasized ZCSA’s commitment to ensuring the safety of all consumers by ensuring that products meeting compulsory standards are the only ones available on the market. 

The agency’s mission is to prevent risks of injury or harm to consumers and the environment, thereby contributing to national development.

With the festive season approaching, Mr. Chizinga encouraged consumers to buy products from reputable suppliers to ensure they consume safe products. 

He also reminded suppliers that it is illegal to introduce products covered by compulsory standards to the market without authorization from the agency. 

Non-compliant products have already been withdrawn from the market across Zambia to protect consumers and the environment.

As part of the agency’s corporate social responsibility, ZCSA decided to support the elderly at the Matero Aftercare Centre, recognizing them as a source of wisdom and the vital role they played in Zambia’s struggle for independence more than 60 years ago. 

In alignment with this year’s independence theme, “Accelerating National Development Through Equitable Distribution of Resources,” ZCSA urged all Zambian citizens to support the elderly in any way they can.

Mr. Chizinga concluded the event by presenting a donation of wheelchairs, foodstuffs, and other items valued at approximately K7,000 to the elderly residents at the Matero Aftercare Centre.  

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