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Embassy of Iran in Harare Condemns US Sanctions on Zimbabwe and Expresses Solidarity with SADC Anti-Sanctions Campaign

The Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Harare issued a press statement on the occasion of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Coordinated Anti-Sanctions Campaign Day, expressing strong condemnation of the United States-imposed sanctions on Zimbabwe and pledging unwavering support for the region’s campaign against these sanctions.

Zimbabwe has been under United States-imposed sanctions since 2002 and 2003, citing reasons such as “undermining democratic institutions,” “gross human rights violations,” and “threatening regional stability.” 

The sanctions have had severe and prolonged consequences, leading to significant suffering among Zimbabweans and impacting the entire SADC region.

Particularly detrimental to Zimbabwe is the Zimbabwe Democracy and Economic Recovery Act (ZIDERA), passed by the United States Congress in 2001 and subject to subsequent amendments. Iran has voiced strong objections to these sanctions, labeling them as unjustified and inhumane.

The Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran called for the immediate and unconditional removal of these sanctions against Zimbabwe, emphasizing their devastating effects on the people and the region as a whole. 

Iran’s stance aligns with the broader SADC/AU supported Anti-Sanctions Campaign, set to take place on October 25, 2023, in solidarity with Zimbabwe and its people.

Iran’s statement underscores its understanding of the dire consequences of illegal sanctions, as Iran has faced similar challenges in the past. 

The Embassy expressed unwavering support and solidarity with Zimbabwe and the SADC region in their fight against these unjustified and inhumane sanctions.

This statement from Iran underscores the growing international concern over the impact of sanctions on Zimbabwe and the regional stability of the SADC, as nations come together to stand in solidarity against what they consider unfair and harmful measures.

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