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Zimbabwean President Opens National Conference to Boost Research and Development Goals

President Mnangagwa of Zimbabwe officially launched the National Research, Science, Technology, and Innovation Conference. The event’s main theme is about coordinating research efforts to help achieve the country’s long-term vision, extending beyond 2030.

In his speech, the President explained that this theme is crucial for creating strategies that will support research capable of meeting the country’s current and future needs in areas like the economy and science.

President Mnangagwa praised the organizers, including the Research Council of Zimbabwe and the Ministry of Higher and Tertiary Education, Innovation, Science, and Technology Development, for arranging this conference. 

He highlighted how important discussions like these are for pushing forward the nation’s development.

The President also mentioned that the Research Council of Zimbabwe should transform itself into a leading organization, especially given the growing importance of research, science, and technology.

This conference was attended by Vice Presidents Dr. Constantino Chiwenga and Kembo Mohadi, as well as Cabinet Ministers, government departments, research institutions, and representatives from the education sector and industry.

This story has been adopted from The Herald-Zimbabwe.

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