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CDEDI Demands President Chakwera to fire Security Minister

Human rights advocacy organization, the Centre for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives (CDEDI), has called for immediate action in Malawi. 

They have demanded that President Lazarus Chakwera fire  his Homeland Security Minister, Ken Zikhale Ng’oma, citing a significant security lapse in the country. 

CDEDI has given the President a strict seven-day deadline to address this issue and the current state of security in Malawi.

This call to action follows a series of disturbing incidents in the country, including suspected murder cases in Lilongwe and Blantyre. 

The situation has escalated to the point where there is a growing perception that Malawi has become a dangerous place to live. CDEDI emphasizes the urgent need for attention to this matter due to the rising level of insecurity.

One of the key catalysts for the demand to remove Minister Zikhale Ng’oma is the Minister’s controversial statement. 

He claimed that “four lives lost do not amount to insecurity,” which has triggered considerable public outrage. CDEDI insists on swift and decisive measures to address the security concerns, as the safety and well-being of Malawian citizens are at stake.

CDEDI has also called upon the Public Affairs Committee (PAC) to step in and address the security problem. Additionally, they suggest that PAC should convene a high-level stakeholder meeting to discuss the current crises in food, foreign exchange, fuel, fertilizers, and essential medical supplies. 

Despite these calls for intervention, there has been no official response from PAC or the President’s office concerning these urgent demands.

CDEDI’s call for the dismissal of Minister Zikhale Ng’oma and the immediate action to address the security situation in Malawi reflects the organization’s deep concern about the safety of the country’s citizens. 

The controversial statement made by the Minister has further fueled the need for urgent measures to restore a sense of security and well-being in the nation. 

The organization also seeks intervention from the Public Affairs Committee to address these pressing issues but awaits an official response from the relevant authorities.

This story has been adopted from Malawi24.

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