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First Lady’s Efforts in Gastronomy Tourism Earn Zimbabwe 100 Scholarships from UNWTO

In a heartening recognition of First Lady Dr. Auxillia Mnangagwa’s dedication to enhancing quality education in tourism, the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) has awarded Zimbabwe 100 scholarships from IE University. IE University is renowned for its global vision, humanistic approach, and entrepreneurial spirit in higher education.

The scholarships were presented during the 8th UNWTO World Forum on Gastronomy Tourism, held in San Sebastian, Spain, where Zimbabwe was showcasing its rich culinary heritage, traditional utensils, and instruments.

UNWTO Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili and his team praised the First Lady’s commitment to promoting gastronomy tourism. Initially planning to grant 50 scholarships, they increased the number to 100 to honor her dedication.

In his remarks, Mr. Pololikashvili highlighted the significance of education in achieving success and commended Dr. Mnangagwa for her promotion of African tourism. 

He expressed his intention to collaborate with the newly-appointed Tourism and Hospitality Industry Minister Barbara Rwodzi to further bolster Zimbabwe’s tourism sector.

Minister Rwodzi acknowledged the transformative work of the First Lady in elevating tourism in Zimbabwe. She expressed gratitude for the UNWTO’s recognition and the scholarships, which will empower 100 young Zimbabweans to study at IE University, known as one of Europe’s top 10 business schools, and specialize in tourism.

University of Zimbabwe Vice Chancellor Professor Paul Mapfumo also lauded Dr. Mnangagwa’s leadership and highlighted the scholarships’ importance for the youth and the sustainability of gastronomy tourism. He emphasized the role of innovation and research in higher education.

The scholarships represent a significant step towards promoting education and Zimbabwe’s rich gastronomy on the global stage. Dr. Mnangagwa’s tireless efforts continue to bear fruit, positioning Zimbabwe as a hub for culinary and tourism excellence.

This recognition by the UNWTO reinforces the importance of investing in education and celebrating leaders dedicated to shaping the future of their nations.

This story has been adopted from The Herald- Zimbabwe.

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