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Man Arrested and Charged with Rape in Kanyama, Lusaka

In Kanyama, the police have arrested and charged a 22-year-old man named Mutumbula Kashimu with the crime of rape. The victim, 27-year-old Grace Kapepe, reported the incident to the Kanyama police station, alleging that she was raped by the known individual, Mutumbula Kashimu, on October 1, 2023, at around 9:00 PM in Kanyama compound, Lusaka.

According to a statement issued by Rae Hamoonga, the police spokesperson, the facts of the case are as follows: Grace Kapepe was on her way home from work when, at around 9:00 PM, she encountered the accused along with his friends who were chasing three other girls. 

When the perpetrator noticed Grace, he stopped and called her over. She attempted to ignore him, but he forcefully grabbed her and brandished a knife, threatening to harm her if she screamed for help. 

He then took her to an abandoned house where he committed the rape. She managed to escape when the suspect noticed another woman and began pursuing her. The incident was promptly reported to the police, who visited the scene of the crime. The suspect is now in police custody and will appear in court soon.

Mr. Hamoonga said, Rape is a violent crime that inflicts physical and emotional harm on its victims. It is a serious criminal offense, and those found guilty can face severe penalties, including imprisonment. It is essential to emphasize that there is no place for rape in our society, and we are committed to pursuing all legal avenues to ensure justice for the victims.

“As law enforcement officers, it is our duty to protect and serve the community, which includes safeguarding the rights and dignity of survivors of sexual assault. We encourage anyone who has been a victim of rape to come forward and report the incident. We assure the public that they will be treated with respect, sensitivity, and confidentiality, and they will receive the support they need.” Mr. Hamoonga added.

He further stated, “To those contemplating such a heinous act, please be aware that your actions will not go unnoticed, and you will be held accountable for your crimes. We have specialized investigators trained to handle sexual assault cases, and we will spare no effort in identifying and apprehending the perpetrators.”

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