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Raphael Mangani Nakacinda Urges Province Leaders to Initiate NRC Registration and Voter Card Distribution for Civic Engagement

Raphael Mangani Nakacinda, Secretary General of the Patriotic Front Party, has delivered a strong call to action to the leadership of Copperbelt Province and leaders nationwide. He appealed for the initiation of the National Registration Card (NRC) registration process for individuals aged 16 and above. Nakacinda’s message was conveyed during the installation ceremony of the new Chairman of Copperbelt Province, Mr. Sturdy Mwale.

In a statement issued by the PF acting Media Director, Edwin Lifwenkelo, Nakacinda’s call for NRC registration and voter card distribution comes at a critical juncture when voter registration and civic engagement are of paramount importance in the political landscape. This call aligns with democratic principles, ensuring that every eligible citizen has the opportunity to participate in the democratic process.

The National Registration Card is a crucial document that validates one’s identity and facilitates access to social services and benefits. It also serves as a prerequisite for voter registration, enabling citizens to exercise their fundamental right to vote. Encouraging NRC registration for individuals aged 16 and above demonstrates a commitment to engaging young citizens in the democratic process from an early age.

Additionally, Nakacinda’s appeal for voter card acquisition emphasizes the importance of active political participation. Voter cards are essential for participating in elections and influencing the nation’s direction. By facilitating access to these cards, the Patriotic Front Party and provincial leadership are strengthening Zambia’s democratic foundations.

The timing of Nakacinda’s announcement during Mr. Sturdy Mwale’s installation as Chairman of Copperbelt Province underscores its significance. It signals the party’s dedication to bolstering its presence in the region and involving local leadership in civic initiatives. Mr. Sturdy Mwale’s role presents an opportunity to effectively execute these initiatives, ensuring that the province’s residents are well-prepared for upcoming elections.

Raphael Mangani Nakacinda’s call to initiate NRC registration and facilitate voter card acquisition represents a commendable step toward fostering civic engagement and inclusivity in Zambia. The party’s commitment to enhancing the accessibility of these processes contributes to the cultivation of a robust and participatory democracy within the nation.

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