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Zambian Breweries Celebrates World Clean-up Day with a Successful Backyard Clean-up

In a powerful demonstration of unity and environmental responsibility, Zambian Breweries Plc, through its Manja Pamodzi initiative, recently organized a successful cleanup in George Compound, effectively cleaning up its ‘new backyard.’ This initiative took place in conjunction with World Cleanup Day, a global movement encouraging individuals and organizations to come together and clean up their communities. Recognizing the importance of this international event, Zambian Breweries Plc showcased its commitment to a cleaner, greener future for Zambia.

As part of its Manja Pamodzi initiative, Zambian Breweries Plc has been actively involved in cleanup activities, waste management, and recycling efforts in communities across the country. The company’s Country Director, Michelle Kilpin, emphasized the importance of maintaining clean surroundings, stating, “It is our duty to make sure that our surrounding areas of operation are clean. If we don’t, then who will? We firmly believe in the importance of sustainable practices and environmental preservation.”

Zambian Breweries Plc’s commitment to environmental stewardship aligns with the government’s agenda for a greener economy and a more sustainable future for Zambia. Notably, the company’s Manja Pamodzi Foundation Limited focuses on community-based recycling initiatives, aiming to raise awareness about the benefits of recycling post-consumer waste, including plastics, cardboards, and paper, to contribute to environmental preservation and a sustainable society.

Bridget B. Banda, Better World Manager at Zambian Breweries, stressed the importance of action in addition to words, stating, “At Zambian Breweries, we believe that actions speak louder than words, and by taking the initiative to clean up our own space, we hope to inspire others to do the same.” The company’s involvement in environmental management and conservation reflects its commitment to making a positive impact.

The clean-up effort exemplified Zambian Breweries’ commitment to unity, both among its staff and in the communities where it operates. The company firmly believes that such initiatives play a pivotal role in creating a cleaner and greener Zambia. Residents of George Compound, such as Elizabeth Mukoma, expressed gratitude for Zambian Breweries’ intervention, emphasizing the positive impact on their community. This initiative underscores the importance of corporate responsibility and environmental stewardship in achieving a cleaner and more sustainable future for Zambia.

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