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 Police Warn PF Cadres Against Unlawful Assembly During ECL’s Morning Jogs

The Zambia Police Service has issued a stern warning to Patriotic Front (PF) cadres allegedly involved in unlawful assemblies during the morning jogs of the former Head of State. They are urged to adhere to established legal procedures and notify the police as required by law.

Police Spokesman Rae Hamoonga responded to recent events where Patriotic Front Cadres disrupted traffic during the former head of state’s morning jog.

Mr. Hamoonga clarified that such actions amount to unlawful assembly. He emphasized that all public gatherings, including political events, must be notified to the police in advance and that any deviation from this legal requirement will not be tolerated in the future.

He further emphasized that when a former Head of State is on a procession, it should be conducted with his security detail and should remain free from political activism.

This approach aims to ensure public safety, effective traffic management, and the prevention of disruptions to the daily lives of citizens.

The police expressed deep concern over the recent unauthorized gathering and political activities carried out by Patriotic Front cadres on Saturday, September 23, 2023, while Former President Mr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu was conducting his routine morning jog.

“The Zambia Police Service urges all citizens and political groups to adhere to these regulations to ensure the orderly conduct of public activities and the safety of all individuals involved,” Mr. Hamoonga stated. 

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