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 Nalumango on Good Road Network

Vice President Mutale Nalumango has emphasized the government’s commitment to road construction and rehabilitation as a top priority for fostering development and interconnecting districts through robust road networks.

Mrs. Nalumango pointed out that road construction not only accelerates development but also generates employment opportunities for local residents and enhances trade.

During her inspection of ongoing rehabilitation work on the Manyinga-Mwinilunga road, the Vice President highlighted the New Dawn government’s increased investment in infrastructure development, particularly in road construction, as opposed to benefiting a select few.

“As a New Dawn government, we have chosen to invest our funds in economically viable projects such as the construction and rehabilitation of roads, rather than enriching a few individuals,” she stated.

Mrs. Nalumango emphasized that the Manyinga-Mwinilunga road is of significant economic importance. Once completed, it will serve as a vital trade and business corridor, leading to development not only in Manyinga District but also in the surrounding communities.

In a separate meeting with Senior Chief Sikufele of the Mbunda-speaking People of Manyinga and Kabompo Districts, the traditional leader praised the government for including Manyinga District in its developmental initiatives.

Senior Chief Sikufele noted that local youth have benefitted from nationwide recruitment drives in sectors like healthcare, education, and the military. Additionally, elderly and vulnerable community members are accessing government empowerment programs, including the Social Cash Transfer Empowerment Programme and Cooperative Grants through the Constituency Development Fund (CDF).

He further commended the government for its efforts in restoring peace and unity across the country, in stark contrast to the previous regime, which was marred by tribal politics, division, and hatred.

“With the UPND government, we are witnessing significant progress in unity and peace, unlike the previous government, where chiefs like myself were marginalized and vilified,” remarked Senior Chief Sikufele.

The Vice President’s visit to Kasempa district is part of her tour of duty, where she continues to assess and support various development projects across the country.

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