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Government Expresses Grief Over Tragic Incidents in Lusaka and Mumbwa

The Minister of Information and Media and Chief Government Spokesperson, Hon. Chushi Kasanda, MP, has issued a statement expressing the government’s profound sadness regarding two tragic incidents.

In the first incident, four lives were lost, including three schoolchildren, when they were struck by a motor vehicle in Lusaka’s Ibex Hill area. The government extends its heartfelt condolences to the affected families. 

In a statement, Ms Kasanda says government is deeply concerned about the recent surge in fatal road accidents and emphasizes the importance of both motorists and pedestrians adhering to traffic regulations for their safety and that of the public. The government calls upon road traffic authorities to ensure the enforcement of road signage, speed limits, and regulations.

In the second incident, the government condemns the lawless acts of certain residents of Mumbwa, which led to the deaths of two individuals suspected of involvement in ritual murders. The government stresses that any suspicions of wrongdoing should be reported to law enforcement agencies, and individuals should not take the law into their own hands. 

The actions of the residents in Mumbwa are deemed inhuman and unacceptable, and the perpetrators will face legal consequences. The government offers its deepest condolences to the families affected by these two tragedies.

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