
Food Reserve Agency Urges Millers to Procure Adequate Maize Stocks

The Food Reserve Agency (FRA) has issued a call to millers across the country, urging them to procure sufficient maize stocks as the current crop marketing season progresses. This move aims to ensure the sustainability of their business operations and to reduce their reliance on the FRA.

Recognizing the ongoing crop marketing season and the consistent supply of maize within the local market, the FRA has observed that certain millers continue to submit maize purchase applications to the agency. In response, the FRA has taken the step to announce that it will no longer be selling maize. Moreover, it is encouraging millers to obtain maize directly from farmers or the open market while the commodity remains available.

The current crop marketing season is well underway, and participants within the milling sector are actively procuring maize from the local market. As a result, the FRA asserts that millers should not be submitting further maize purchase applications. Instead, the agency is urging millers to persist in procuring maize from farmers who have harvested the commodity and are offering it for sale in the open market.

The FRA wishes to underscore the significant role that millers play in maintaining national food security. As a key stakeholder in this regard, millers are being reminded of their pivotal role and responsibility in procuring adequate maize stocks to sustain their business operations. This proactive approach is in line with the FRA’s effort to encourage millers to rely on their own stocks rather than depending solely on the national strategic food reserves.

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