
Kagem Mining Limited Enhances Learning Environment Through Furniture Donation to Masasa Combined School

In a resolute effort to foster an enriching learning environment for its students, Masasa Combined School in Lufwanyama has received a significant boost from Kagem Mining Limited. As part of Kagem’s ongoing commitment to elevating educational standards within local districts, the mining company has generously provided furniture to the school, including 120 desks, two office tables, and ten office chairs, collectively valued at over K171,000.

Victoria Chileshe, Kagem’s Community Affairs Manager, expressed the company’s pride in partnering with Masasa Combined School once again. Chileshe conveyed a pivotal message to the students, with a special emphasis on empowering girls, urging them to leverage the newly furnished facilities to strive for excellence. “We will continue to support the school within our capabilities,” Chileshe affirmed.

Situated in the heart of Lufwanyama’s Masasa community, Masasa Combined School plays a pivotal role in delivering education to a significant portion of the local children. Having recently evolved from a primary school to encompass secondary education as well, the institution caters to 475 pupils across various grades. This development instills hope for a brighter future among young learners.

The school’s expansion was made possible through a collaborative endeavor between Kagem and the Ministry of Education, facilitated by the Lufwanyama District Education Board Secretary’s Office (DEBS). Kagem’s substantial investment has enabled the addition of three classrooms, two offices, a room for examination purposes, and two teachers’ residences complete with ablution facilities. This expansion has not only enhanced the school’s capacity but also underscored Kagem’s enduring commitment to education within the district.

The timing of this initiative aligns harmoniously with the government’s introduction of free education policies, contributing to an upsurge in school enrollments. Representatives of the students expressed their gratitude for Kagem Mining and the government’s collaborative gesture.

Mr. David Chitaulo, the headteacher of Masasa Combined School, representing the District Education Board Secretary, expressed profound appreciation for this generous gesture. He highlighted how the furniture donation would address the shortage of desks while fostering a conducive learning environment that motivates students to excel.

Kagem’s involvement in local education extends beyond furniture donations. The company has previously undertaken various educational projects, including the construction of Chapula Secondary School, the rehabilitation of Chapula and Kapila Primary Schools, and the construction of teachers’ residences across Lufwanyama.

With a steadfast focus on enhancing local education, Kagem regularly contributes teaching aids and learning materials, including textbooks and reading materials, with the aim of elevating the quality of education for all pupils.

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