
Media Council of Malawi Calls on Media Practitioners to Observe Dress Code

The Media Council of Malawi (MCM) has recently received concerns from various stakeholders, including Parliament and the State House, regarding the dressing of some media practitioners, which has been deemed inappropriate for the occasions they attend. In response to these concerns, the MCM is issuing a reminder to all journalists and stakeholders to adhere to the dress code specified in the Media Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct.

Section 2.1 of the Media Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct explicitly states that “a journalist shall conduct him/herself with propriety in the line of duty by dressing for the occasion.” The MCM emphasizes that media practitioners should dress decently and be mindful of the decorum expected at specific events, particularly in Parliament, the State House, and other similar executive activities.

The way media practitioners present themselves plays a crucial role in enhancing the reputation and credibility of the media house they represent and the industry as a whole. By adhering to the dress code, media professionals contribute to maintaining a professional atmosphere, promoting a sense of decorum and discipline within the industry.

While adhering to the dress code is essential, the MCM also acknowledges that different events may have specific requirements for dressing. Media practitioners are encouraged to dress in a manner that suits the occasion appropriately.

Furthermore, the MCM reminds stakeholders that the dressing of media practitioners may vary based on the roles they play while on duty. Technical personnel, for instance, may dress in a manner that ensures they can work comfortably while carrying out their duties. Media houses are urged to ensure that their technical personnel adhere to appropriate dressing guidelines.

To uphold professionalism and accountability, the MCM urges all media practitioners to carry their identification and MCM Accreditation Cards whenever they are on duty. This serves as a commitment to the Code of Conduct by the media practitioner and signifies the media houses and the Council’s joint responsibility for any misconduct by media practitioners.

By upholding the dress code and professional conduct, media practitioners and stakeholders can contribute to fostering a respectful and credible media environment in Malawi. The MCM emphasizes the importance of adhering to these guidelines to preserve the integrity and reputation of the media industry in the country.

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