BusinessClimate Change/ESG

Zambian Government Commits to Sustainable Development Goals at UN High-Level Political Forum

The Zambian Government reaffirms its commitment to addressing national development challenges and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) during the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.

Ms. Lois Mulube, the Acting Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Finance and National Planning, delivered Zambia’s General Debate statement at the forum, where she emphasized the country’s dedication to achieving its national aspirations and contributing to the global SDGs.

The theme of the segment was “Building Momentum to the SDGs Summit: Transformation for Accelerated Implementation of the SDGs,” underscoring the importance of accelerating progress toward the goals.

Ms. Mulube highlighted key interventions undertaken by the Zambian Government to address development challenges. This includes the implementation of an economic recovery program under the framework of the 8th National Development Plan, aimed at restoring macroeconomic stability, supporting fiscal stabilization, and fostering inclusive economic growth.

In terms of debt restructuring, Zambia has made significant progress by restructuring its debt to the tune of US$6.3 billion. This measure is expected to bolster the country’s economic recovery efforts.

While acknowledging the progress made, Ms. Mulube stressed the need for international solidarity in the fight against poverty and vulnerabilities. She urged the international community to actively explore and mobilize increased sources of low-cost finance to support the achievement of the SDGs.

Ms. Mulube welcomed the proposed SDG Stimulus package of US$500 billion, which aims to allow developing countries to accelerate their progress by leveraging innovative approaches. This package will play a critical role in catalyzing transformative actions in key sectors, driving socioeconomic development, and supporting investments that uplift the livelihoods of people, especially the most vulnerable.

The Acting Permanent Secretary highlighted the importance of building more resilient economies, addressing unemployment, and uplifting livelihoods, underscoring the positive impact the SDG Stimulus package could have on developing countries like Zambia.

Furthermore, Ms. Mulube expressed Zambia’s support for calls to reform the international financial architecture, emphasizing the need for SDG financing to flow to the regions where it is most needed. This reform is crucial for ensuring that resources are efficiently channeled to support sustainable development initiatives.

With the firm commitment of the Zambian Government and the backing of the international community, Zambia is taking significant strides towards achieving its national development goals and contributing to the global agenda of sustainable development.

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