
MISA Malawi Engages State House to Enhance Media-Government Relations

The new National Governing Council (NGC) of the Malawi chapter of the Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA Malawi) held a meeting with the State House Communications team in Lilongwe yesterday. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss potential areas of collaboration, including fostering more direct interaction between the media and President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera.

During the meeting, MISA Malawi Chairperson Golden Matonga acknowledged the government’s efforts in promoting transparency through initiatives such as the ‘State House Press Briefings’ and ‘Government Meets the Press’. However, Matonga stressed the importance of allowing the media to have direct access to the President on certain occasions. He also emphasized the need for inclusivity when inviting journalists and media outlets to State House functions.

State House Director of Communications Kent Mphepo, accompanied by State House Press Officer Anthony Kasunda and Deputy Director of Communications Wezi Kasambala, welcomed the engagement and expressed optimism that the meeting marked a significant step towards establishing a more cooperative and strategic partnership between the media and the government. Mphepo reiterated that State House is committed to supporting and collaborating with the media to help Malawi achieve its national development goals, including the 2063 agenda and other short- and medium-term frameworks.

During the meeting, the participants agreed to further explore and engage in order to address any areas of contention between the media and the government, while simultaneously promoting freedom of expression and professionalism.

The constructive dialogue between MISA Malawi and the State House Communications team signifies a commitment to strengthening media-government relations in the country. It is anticipated that these ongoing discussions will contribute to a more open and collaborative environment, benefiting both the media and the government as they work towards common goals.

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