
Fuel Shortage Grips Malawi, Causing Concern among Motorists

Blantyre – Malawi is currently experiencing a shortage of fuel, particularly in the commercial capital of Blantyre, leading to growing concerns among motorists. A recent survey conducted in the city revealed that most service stations have run out of petrol while only diesel remains available.

The shortage has been observed since the weekend, but the situation worsened on Monday afternoon when long queues of vehicles formed at various service stations. Frustrations among motorists are mounting as they wait for hours with the hope that a petrol tanker will arrive.

“I have been waiting here since 7:40 am. I don’t know exactly when a tanker might appear with petrol,” said Isaac Kayola, one of the motorists at Chichiri Shoprite Puma Service Station in Blantyre, expressing his frustration.

Although the fuel shortage appears to be more severe in Blantyre, reports suggest that supply is also limited in the northern city of Mzuzu. In addition, it has been reported that most service stations in the former administrative capital of Zomba have also run out of petrol.

John Kapito, the executive director of the Consumers Association of Malawi, has called on authorities to address the fuel situation promptly. This scarcity comes just two months after the country faced another fuel shortage, highlighting the serious foreign exchange shortages currently plaguing Malawi.

Last year, Malawi experienced a severe fuel shortage due to dwindling foreign exchange reserves, which hindered fuel imports and resulted in motorists spending nights at service stations.

The government and relevant authorities are urged to take immediate action to alleviate the fuel shortage and ensure a stable and reliable fuel supply for motorists across the country.

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