
ZRA Calls Upon Public to Join Revenue Mobilization Efforts

The Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) is urging the public to actively participate in revenue mobilization efforts, emphasizing the importance of making Zambia economically independent.

While ZRA has made significant progress in improving revenue mobilization strategies, there are areas where compliance from taxpayers remains low. In an effort to bridge this gap, ZRA is committed to continuously improving its actions towards taxpayers, engaging with them, and listening to their concerns. However, the authority is appealing to taxpayers to meet halfway by embracing compliance, utilizing the introduced technologies, and not using them selectively.

To achieve the target of 93.6 billion for the year 2023, ZRA has implemented various initiatives, including expanding the tax register, enhancing taxpayer education, and improving customer service. In addition, ZRA plans to increase taxpayer mobilization and sensitization, strengthen the taxpayer registration program, leverage technology, and enhance tax education.

As part of its total transformation drive, ZRA aims to establish enjoyable working relationships with stakeholders, positioning itself as customer-centric to encourage voluntary tax contributions. One recent initiative, the Mobile Tax Offices (MTOs), brings services closer to taxpayers and simplifies tax education, making it more accessible and convenient.

In addition to engaging stakeholders, ZRA provides services such as tax clinics and special taxpayer visits, which aim to address compliance issues and provide information on tax registration, new processes, and systems. These initiatives enable closer interaction with taxpayers, ensuring their concerns are adequately addressed.

The task of collecting sufficient revenue requires productive partnerships, and ZRA has actively engaged various business players across sectors nationwide. By mobilizing their support and addressing the challenges they face, ZRA aims to ensure compliance and improve the business environment.

Recognizing the importance of tax education, ZRA tailors information according to the specific needs of segmented taxpayers. This approach aims to enhance understanding and positively influence taxpayer behaviors and attitudes.

Taxpayers are encouraged to partner with ZRA to foster ongoing engagement, provide feedback, and establish additional networks where necessary. The shared information will aid ZRA in designing solutions that build business capacity and ensure that every taxpayer contributes their fair share of revenue.

Paying taxes is a collaborative effort involving every Zambian, and ZRA is committed to intensifying tax education to raise awareness of taxpayers’ obligations and entitlements. By working together, Zambia can achieve sustained economic growth and development.

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